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Lockout hasps allow multiple employees to work on the same machine without confusion which can lead to accidents and injuries. This lockout tagout device can help employees follow proper procedures, work efficiently, and coordinate with each other easily.

TRADESAFE ensures that these hasps can keep up with the demands of an industrial facility. Not only can they resist extreme temperatures, but they can also withstand impact and the usual wear and tear that comes with frequent use.

With a reliable LOTO hasp, machines under servicing or maintenance are assured not to be turned back on until the last worker has completed their tasks. This kind of security and peace of mind may be priceless, but these hasps offer great value for money.

Frequently Asked Questions

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A lockout hasp is a lockout tagout device that allows the placement of multiple lockout tagout padlocks. It consists of a slotted plate that slides over a staple, as well as jaws that can clamp over handles and switches.

Because a lockout tagout hasp can accommodate multiple locks, it can be used in group lockout tagout procedures. The hasp can be installed on a switch or used with another lock, such as a valve lock, circuit breaker lock, and more.

It’s always recommended that you receive formal training on how to install any lockout tagout devices. Generally, however, hasps are meant to be inserted into the place where a LOTO safety padlock is meant to attach. To install a hasp, open its jaws and place them into the padlock hole of a lockout tagout lock. Slide the two plates together so that all the padlock holes are aligned. Employees will then be able to install as many padlocks, and Danger Do Not Operate tags as the hasp allows. The padlock holes can also accommodate zip ties tied to a tag.

Once a hasp is installed and used by multiple authorized employees, it will not be able to be removed until the last employee is done with their tasks and removes their padlock from the hasp. A hasp is therefore instrumental in ensuring that group lockout tagout procedures are successful.

A safety lockout tagout hasp, in essence, is meant to help isolate machinery, equipment, and systems from hazardous energy. Like other lockout tagout devices, it prevents the accidental or unintended re-energization of machinery and ensures the safety of repair and maintenance personnel. Furthermore, it is designed to be able to accommodate multiple personal safety padlocks and even zip ties attached to tags.

A group lockout tagout procedure entails the participation of multiple authorized employees in the repair or servicing of a single machine or piece of equipment. OSHA standard 1910.147(f)(3) lays out the guidelines for group lockout tagout:


Group lockout or tagout.


When servicing and/or maintenance is performed by a crew, craft, department, or other groups, they shall utilize a procedure that affords the employees a level of protection equivalent to that provided by the implementation of a personal lockout or tagout device.


Group lockout or tagout devices shall be used in accordance with the procedures required by paragraph (c)(4) of this section, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following specific requirements:


Primary responsibility is vested in an authorized employee for a set number of employees working under the protection of a group lockout or tagout device (such as an operations lock);


Provision for the authorized employee to ascertain the exposure status of individual group members with regard to the lockout or tagout of the machine or equipment and


When more than one crew, craft, department, etc. is involved, assignment of overall job-associated lockout or tagout control responsibility to an authorized employee designated to coordinate affected workforces and ensure continuity of protection; and


Each authorized employee shall affix a personal lockout or tagout device to the group lockout device, group lockbox, or comparable mechanism when he or she begins work, and shall remove those devices when he or she stops working on the machine or equipment being serviced or maintained.

Hasps are particularly helpful in group lockout tagout procedures because they can accommodate multiple personal safety padlocks. Typically, hasps come with up to six separate padlock holes. When a hasp is attached to a single switch, multiple employees will be able to install their padlocks and thus be able to repair or service a machine as a group.

The typical design of a hasp entails the separation of its two plates so it can be installed on a switch or another lockout tagout device. Once the hasp is hooked onto a switch or LOTO device, you can then push the two plates together in such a way that the padlock holes are all aligned.

Once the padlock holes are aligned, you’ll be able to hook a padlock shackle through each hole. Using hasps and padlocks together is thus easy and straightforward.

Lockout tagout hasps come in aluminum and non-conductive materials. At TRADESAFE, lockout hasps are available in premium non-conductive nylon handles with chrome-plated stainless steel shackles and non-conductive and high-impact polypropylene body and shackle.

Safety lockout tagout hasps, like any other lockout tagout device, serve a specific function and cannot be employed whenever the employee desires. A LOTO hasp is only suitable for usage in group isolation settings where more than one person is working on a piece of equipment at the same time.

Since safety hasps are exclusively used during group lockout procedures, it only makes sense that it has 6 holes to accommodate multiple lockout tagout padlocks.

Lockout tagout hasps are most typically found in vibrant red. They are, however, available in a variety of colors, including blue, green, yellow, and black, making them perfect for group lockout settings.

No, padlocks are not included in the TRADESAFE package. Our hasps are available by 3’s for the plastic nylon hasps and by 6’s for nylon and steel hasps.

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OSHA requires that hazardous energy sources be "isolated and rendered inoperative" before work is started on the equipment in question.

A lockout hasp typically has a 1-inch inner shackle diameter and a lock body that can accommodate up to six padlocks. Lockout hasps are placed through a latch on the machinery to be locked out and each employee performing maintenance or service work attaches their padlock through one of the six holes within the hasp, together with a LOTO tag to warn and inform other workers of the ongoing LOTO procedure.

OSHA compliance does not only mean a “heavy duty hasp”, but it should also be standardized, substantial, identifiable, and precision-engineered exclusively for safety. Plus, a good lockout hasp would be pointless if applied incorrectly. Therefore, the foundation of being compliant to OSHA lockout tagout standards is proper LOTO training.

Choosing a material for your lockout hasps will depend on how and for what purpose you will use them. Stainless steel, aluminum, and non-conductive plastic hasps are the most common materials available in the market that can cater to various industry needs.

Steel lockout hasps are stronger, more temperature- and chemical-resistant than aluminum, making them more suitable for heavy-duty and industrial applications.

Aluminum hasps, on the other hand, have a higher strength-to-weight ratio than stainless steel, making them excellent for personal use.

Meanwhile, non-conductive hasps entirely eliminate the chance of metal parts conducting current from an electrical hazard while still being resistant to corrosion, severe temperatures, and chemicals.

TRADESAFE offers both steel and non-conductive plastic lockout hasps.

While OSHA does not require chains to be attached to lockout hasps, these chains give an added layer of security. It enables the attachment of lockout hasps on the equipment, which prevents losing or misplacing it. However, at the time, TRADESAFE lockout hasps do not have this particular feature.

Safety lockout hasps are also known as multi-lock hasps because multiple padlocks can be applied to them, which also allows an energy source to be isolated by more than one worker.

A lockout hasp often has 6 holes to accommodate multiple lockout tagout padlocks, as shown at TRADESAFE. Other designs, on the other hand, include more than 6 holes to accommodate bigger group LOTO operations.